Free Download Tools for Google Maps Pro 5 MOD Version Unlocked AdFree APK for Android Phones and Tablets, it will highlight, edit and capture maps from Google Maps.
Overview of Tools for Google Maps Pro 5 APK for Android
This app will highlight, edit and capture maps from Google Maps. The maps from Google Maps are shown in full screen mode or immersive mode without any object to interfere.
Features of the app
- calculate perimeters and areas of polygons
- calculate distance between two points
- import / export to kml format
- easy command to take a snapshot of the map using the entire screen
- address search function
- support all the gesture from google maps
- from the navigation drawer easy switch from different map mode: normal, satellite, hybrid, terrain
- options to enabled compass, buildings, traffic, indoor
- one touch to enter / leave fullscreen mode
- support immersive mode for Android 4.4 devices or superior
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