Saola Animate Professional 3.1.2 Free Download + Portable


Download Saola Animate Professional Full

Saola Animate Professional is a visual compelling tool for creating HTML5 animations and interactive web content. The outstanding features which boost your creativity: Auto-Keyframe, Sprite Sheet, Scene, Motion Path, Easing, SVG & shapes, Interactivity & Scripting. You don’t need to be an expert on CSS3 transforms and JavaScript to create impressive HTML5 web animations, you just need Saola Animate.

Features of Saola Animate Professional Download

Timelines act as a container for animations and a ruler that measures time. Each scene can have multiple timelines to satisfy a large number of elements, animations, and interactivity. Control timeline playback to create rich and interactive animations.

Think of scenes as slides in Microsoft PowerPoint. Manage scenes to control the flow of your animations to create amazing visual experiences.

Sprite Sheets:
A sprite sheet is a sequence of various graphics arranged in one bitmap image file. Thanks to sprite sheets, you can create an animated character representing one or several animation sequences while only needing to load a single file.

Auto-Keyframe allows automatically generating keyframes when creating animations. Accordingly, it makes keyframing easier and shortens the time you put in your animations.

Motion Path:
Motion Path is the best idea when it comes to creating movement. It allows you to draw complex curves than just a straight line, animating your object to move more naturally.

Easing Methods:
Easing specifies the speed at which a transition progresses over time. Up to 40 easing methods are at hand to make your animations more stunning and natural.

Shapes & Freeform:
A wide variety of predefined shapes are available at your fingertips. You can also import or draw lightweight vector graphics for the artwork in your animation.

Interactivity is a great way to gain and keep audience’s attention and interest as it allows them to experience interactive control. Engage your viewers by adding actions and triggers in response to events such as a mouse click or a key press. and many more…

Saola Animate Professional Full Version

Title: Saola Animate Professional v3.1.2
Developer: Home Page
License: Shareware
Language: English
OS: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (64-bit only).

Popup windows and menus may appear on the wrong display if the computer has multiple displays with the same name.
The app window maximizes incorrectly on non-primary displays.

Download Saola Animate Pro Portable for PC

Saola Animate Professional 3.1.2 | 64 bit | File Size: 130 MB
UsersDrive | Uploadrar | Direct

Portable Saola Animate Professional 3.1.2 | 64 bit | File Size: 123 MB
UsersDrive | Uploadrar | Direct

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By Azhar Ali

Azhar Ali Bhutto(AZZI) is the Chief Seo Expert, Website Designer, Blogger, and the Founder of ‘Azzi Blogs’. He has a very deep interest in all current affairs topics whatsoever. Well, he is the power of our team and he lives in Delhi. Who loves to be a self-dependent person. As an author, I am trying my best to improve this platform day by day. His passion, dedication and quick decision-making ability make him stand apart from others. You can contact him @Facebook, Follow him on @Instagram Email Id:

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