Learn 50 Languages v12.1 APK [Latest]


Learn 50 Languages

Learn 50 Languages

Learn 50 languages for free using your native language!

– 50languages.com contains 100 lessons that provide you with a basic vocabulary. With no prior knowledge, you will learn to fluently speak short sentences in real-world situations in no time.

– The 50languages method successfully combines audio and text for effective language learning.

– 50languages corresponds to the Common European Framework levels A1 and A2 and is therefore suitable for all types of schools and students. The audio files can also be effectively used as a supplement in language schools and language courses. Adults who have learned a language in school can refresh their knowledge using 50languages.

– 50languages is available in over 50 languages and in approximately 2500 language combinations, e.g. German to English, English to Spanish, Spanish to Chinese etc.

The 100 lessons help you to quickly learn and use a foreign language in various situations (e.g. in a hotel or restaurant, on a vacation, small talk, getting to know people, shopping, at the doctor, at the bank etc.). You can download the audio files from http://www.50languages.com to your mp3-player and listen to them anywhere – at a bus stop or a train station, in the car, and during a lunch break! To get the most out of 50languages, learn one lesson a day and regularly repeat what you have already learned in previous lessons.

■■ What’s New ■■

– Foreign radio stations included.
– In “Learn Numbers” you can listen to audio with numbers from 1 to 100.

PREMIUM features Unlocked

This app has no advertisements.

Requirements: Android 2.3 +

Download Links:-

Learn 50 Languages v12.1 Unlocked Apk

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Azhar Ali
Azhar Ali

Azhar Ali Bhutto(AZZI) is the Chief Seo Expert, Website Designer, Blogger, and the Founder of ‘Azzi Blogs’. He has a very deep interest in all current affairs topics whatsoever. Well, he is the power of our team and he lives in Delhi. Who loves to be a self-dependent person. As an author, I am trying my best to improve this platform day by day. His passion, dedication and quick decision-making ability make him stand apart from others. You can contact him @Facebook, Follow him on @Instagram Email Id: azharali0786@gmail.com

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