WiFi Monitor Pro : analyzer of WiFi networks v2.5.0


Free Download WiFi Monitor Pro 2 MOD Version Unlocked AdFree APK for Android Phones and Tablets, it is a powerful tool that allows you to analyze the state of WiFi.

Overview of WiFi Monitor Pro 2 APK for Android

it is a powerful tool that allows you to analyze the state of WiFi networks and track its parameters (signal strength, frequency, connection speed, etc). It is useful for setting up a wireless router, Wi-Fi usage monitoring. It can also be used as a scanner and discover devices connected to WLAN.

Features of the app

  • “Networks” tab allows to analyze all available WiFi networks by the following parameters: type, equipment manufacturer, signal level, security protocol. Access points with the same name (SSID) are grouped together.
  • “Channels” tab displays hotspots signal level depending on its frequencies. Routers using same frequencies provide bad quality of a Wi-Fi connection.
  • “Strength” chart helps to compare received power levels of available WiFi hotspots and track its dynamics. The higher router signal strength, the better quality of wireless connection.
  • “Speed” chart displays the real amount of transmitted and received data in the connected network. This will help to analyze usage of a hotspot.
  • “Scanning” section performs search of devices in the connected network and displays its parameters. If scanner reports about foreign devices in your WLAN, block them in router settings.


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By Azhar Ali

Azhar Ali Bhutto(AZZI) is the Chief Seo Expert, Website Designer, Blogger, and the Founder of ‘Azzi Blogs’. He has a very deep interest in all current affairs topics whatsoever. Well, he is the power of our team and he lives in Delhi. Who loves to be a self-dependent person. As an author, I am trying my best to improve this platform day by day. His passion, dedication and quick decision-making ability make him stand apart from others. You can contact him @Facebook, Follow him on @Instagram Email Id: azharali0786@gmail.com

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